Prince2-Practitioner Dumps

PRINCE2 Prince2-Practitioner Exam Dumps PDF

PRINCE2 Practitioner Exam

Total Questions: 282
Update Date: October 01, 2024

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Question 1

Which of the following statements is NOT correct?The Learn from Experience principle suggests that lessons should be actively sought...

A. When Starting a Project
B. When Initiating a Project
C. As the project progresses
D. As the project closes

Answer: B

Question 2

It is now late October and the project is in stage 3. The label design competition has been held and the photosof the staff have been taken. The CEO and Marketing Director still need to choose the winning label designand the 12 photos for the calendar. However, the Executive has learned that two competitors are issuingcalendars to MNO's customers by the middle of November. After analyzing the impact of this Issue, one of theoptions the Project Manager has presented to the Project Board is to close the project prematurely.There are a number of key facts relating to this project that would need to be recorded if the project Y-e to beclosed now.Which product should show that the project has been closed prematurely and has not achieved the objectivesdefined in the Project Initiation Documentation (PID)?

A. Benefits Review Plan
B. End Project Report
C. Exception Report
D. Project closure notification

Answer: B

Question 3

It is now late October and the project is in stage 3. The label design competition has been held and the photosof the staff have been taken. The CEO and Marketing Director still need to choose the winning label designand the 12 photos for the calendar. However, the Executive has learned that two competitors are issuingcalendars to MNO's customers by the middle of November. After analyzing the impact of this Issue, one of theoptions the Project Manager has presented to the Project Board is to close the project prematurely.There are a number of key facts relating to this project that would need to be recorded if the project Y-e to beclosed now.Which product should show that without the calendar the company is going to experience difficultiesrecovering its decline in orders, and alternative solutions are required if the company is going to recover itsposition?

A. Benefits Review Plan
B. Exception Report
C. End Project Report
D. Risk Register

Answer: C

Question 4

It is now late October and the project is in stage 3. The label design competition has been held and the photosof the staff have been taken. The CEO and Marketing Director still need to choose the winning label designand the 12 photos for the calendar. However, the Executive has learned that two competitors are issuingcalendars to MNO's customers by the middle of November. After analyzing the impact of this Issue, one of theoptions the Project Manager has presented to the Project Board is to close the project prematurely.There are a number of key facts relating to this project that would need to be recorded if the project Y-e to beclosed now.Which product should show that the staff photo sessions were disruptive to the Engineering Department asthey had been scheduled during peak work times without consultation with the Engineering Manager?

A. Follow-on action recommendations
B. Lessons Report
C. Project closure notification
D. Risk Register

Answer: B

Question 5

It is now late October and the project is in stage 3. The label design competition has been held and the photosof the staff have been taken. The CEO and Marketing Director still need to choose the winning label designand the 12 photos for the calendar. However, the Executive has learned that two competitors are issuingcalendars to MNO's customers by the middle of November. After analyzing the impact of this Issue, one of theoptions the Project Manager has presented to the Project Board is to close the project prematurely.There are a number of key facts relating to this project that would need to be recorded if the project Y-e to beclosed now.Which product should show that if anybody has any remaining resource costs to be charged to the project, theyshould ensure this is done by 10 November?

A. Benefits Review Plan
B. End Project Report
C. Follow-on action recommendations
D. Project closure notification

Answer: D

Question 6

Which of the following principles describes this statement?"xxx defines tolerances for each project objective to establish limits of delegated authority"

A. Manage by stages
B. Focus on products
C. Manage by exception
D. Learn from experience

Answer: C

Question 7

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding the Continued Business Justification?

A. The justification for the project must remain the same throughout the project
B. The justification for the project should remain valid
C. The justification for the project may change
D. If the project is no longer justified it should be stopped

Answer: B

Question 8

It is now late October and the project is in stage 3. The label design competition has been held and the photosof the staff have been taken. The CEO and Marketing Director still need to choose the winning label designand the 12 photos for the calendar. However, the Executive has learned that two competitors are issuingcalendars to MNO's customers by the middle of November. After analyzing the impact of this Issue, one of theoptions the Project Manager has presented to the Project Board is to close the project prematurely.There are a number of key facts relating to this project that would need to be recorded if the project Y-e to beclosed now.Which product should register that the risk of a competitor producing a calendar at the same time was identified at the beginning of the project but the assessment of this risk appears to have been poor?

A. Issue Register
B. Follow-on action recommendations
C.Lessons Report
D. Risk Register

Answer: C

Question 9

It is now late October and the project is in stage 3. The label design competition has been held and the photosof the staff have been taken. The CEO and Marketing Director still need to choose the winning label designand the 12 photos for the calendar. However, the Executive has learned that two competitors are issuingcalendars to MNO's customers by the middle of November. After analyzing the impact of this Issue, one of theoptions the Project Manager has presented to the Project Board is to close the project prematurely.There are a number of key facts relating to this project that would need to be recorded if the project Y-e to beclosed now.Which product should show that the photos could be used for other promotional material for the company?

A. Benefits Review Plan
B. Lessons Log
C. Exception Report
D. End Project Report

Answer: D

Question 10

Which of the following principles uses Product Descriptions to provide clarity by defining each product'spurpose, composition, derivation, format, quality criteria and quality method?

A. Tailor to suit the project environment
B. Focus on products
C. Manage by stages
D. Continued business justification

Answer: B