Sales-Cloud-Consultant Dumps

Salesforce Sales-Cloud-Consultant Exam Dumps PDF

Certified Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultant (WI24)

Total Questions: 234
Update Date: May 10, 2024

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Question 1

A sales manager for one of Cloud Kicks" sales territories is unable to see a forecast for the current quarter. How should the consultant resolve this issue?

A. Add the sales manager to the Forecasting public group.
 B. Configure the date filter on the forecast and assign it to the sales manager. 
C. Set the sales manager as the Forecast Manager for this territory. 
D. Select the correct forecast on the sales manager's user record. 

Answer: C

Question 2

Sales reps at Universal Containers (UC) want to know when a customer or prospect Contact opens an email, they sent so they can follow up with the Contact shortly afterward. Which tool should a consultant recommend to meet the requirement? 

A. Outlook Desktop Integration 
B. Einstein Activity Capture 
C. High Velocity Sales 
D. Salesforce Inbox 

Answer: B

Question 3

Universal Containers needs to track quarterly sales goals for users. What are two ways a consultant can display sales goals and allow users to track their progress toward their goals?22. Choose 2 answers: 

A. Create a Custom Report Type. 
B. Enable Forecast Adjustments. 
C. Enable Show Quota % Attainment. 
D. Create a quarterly snapshot 

Answer: B,C

Question 4

The admin at Cloud Kicks needs to understand the adoption of Salesforce Files and multifactor authentication. What should a consultant recommend analysing adoption? 

A. Review the Setup Audit Trail. 
B. Create a report for the Login History object. 
C. Run the Salesforce Optimizer. 
D. Open the Lightning Usage App. 

Answer: C,D

Question 5

Universal Containers ts analyzing data to identify gaps, and wants to know which Accounts with open Opportunities are missing Contacts. Which feature should a consultant recommend to build this report7

A. Custom report type 
B. Cross filter 
C. Joined report 
D. Custom filter

Answer: B

Question 6

A consultant for Cloud Kicks is migrating data from an on-premise system to Salesforce. The consultant has imported. Account records, and is attempting to import the associated Contacts using Data Loader, but the import has failed records. The error messages all read UNABLE TO LOCK ROW, What could be causing these records to fail?

A. Updates to child records that have the same parent records are being processed simultaneously. 
B. Contact records should be imposed in the same data batch as Account records. 
C. An Apex Trigger on the Account object is firing on insert and causing the Contact import to fail. 
D. The consultant has incorrect permissions to import data using Data Loader. 

Answer: A

Question 7

Cloud Kicks (CK) is implementing Sales Cloud and expects hundreds of new Accounts will be added into Salesforce on a daily basis. CK has an automated process to assign the Account owners. If no assignment can be made for an Account, it will be assigned to a fictitious owner and a person will manually review and re-assign it at a later date. At any given time, a fictitious owner may have more than 10,000 Account records assigned to it. Which two solutions should the consultant recommend when CK sets up the new Account process? Choose 2 answers

A. Place the fictitious owner in a separate role at the top of the role hierarchy.
 B. Keep the fictitious owner out of public groups that could be used in sharing rules. 
C. Assign the Modify All Data system permission to the fictitious owner. 
D. Add the fictitious owner to a role at the lowest level of the role hierarchy. 

Answer: A,B

Question 8

Cloud Kicks has completed the discovery stage, and leadership has aligned on the project's business goals. What should the consultant formalize with stakeholders before moving to the next project stage? 

A. Develop wireframes to visualize the product end state. 
B. Onboard team members to start development of the solution. 
C. Define key metrics to identify how success will be measured. 
D. Create user stories to present for prioritization. 

Answer: A

Question 9

Cloud Kicks (CK) uses a custom object named GumShoe__c. GumShoe__c is the child in a master-detail relationship with the Opportunity object. Staff members use this object to create requests for supporting research. CK wants to easily generate new GumShow__c records from staff phones by using the Salesforce mobile app. What should a consultant recommend to meet the requirements?

A. Create a custom hyperlink to a related list.
 B. Create a Lightning component for mobile. 
C. Create a custom Process Builder process. 
D. Create a Quick Action 

Answer: A

Question 10

‘Cloud Kicks (CK) needs to comply with GDPR requirements. Personal information is limited to only users who need access to a company's: Account. CK has a private Account model. How should the consultant provide specific Account access to the renewals and sales operations teams?

A. Build renewals and sales operations Account team member roles and allocate them to the appropriate users, 
B. Create a criteria-based sharing rule to share Accounts with the sales operations and renewals public groups. 
C. Change the roles of renewals and sales operations team members in the default Opportunity team. 
D. Create a role-based sharing rule to share all Accounts with the sales operations and renewals roles. 

Answer: B