CompTIA XK0-004 Exam Dumps PDF

CompTIA Linux+ Certification Exam

Total Questions: 483
Update Date: December 01, 2024

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Question 1

A systems administrator receives a report that the web server is not running after a planned system reboot.After starting the web server manually, which of the following commands should the administrator issue to ensure the web server starts at boot time?

A. systemctl service on 
B. systemctl enable <name>.service 
C. systemctl service enable 
D. systemctl on <name>.service 

Answer: B

Question 2

A user wants to alias dir so it always returns the contents of the ls -la command. However, the user has to reset the alias with every login.Which of the following is the BEST action the user can take to ensure the command is always available?

A. echo "alias dir=ls -la" > /etc/profile 
B. echo "alias dir=ls -la" >> /etc/skel 
C. echo "alias dir=ls -la" >> ~/.profile 
D. echo "alias dir=ls -la" > ~/.bashrc 

Answer: C

Question 3

An administrator needs to kill the oldest Bash shell running in the system. Which of the following commands should be issued to accomplish this task?

A. ps axjf | grep bash to obtain PID kill -9 PID 
B. ps –eo pid,etime,cmd | grep bash (to obtain PID) kill -9 PID 
C. ps –eo pid,etime| grep bash (to obtain PID) killall -9 PID 
D. killall -15 -o bash 

Answer: D

Question 4

A Linux team is using Git to version a set of custom scripts. A team member has made an update to a script and published the changes to the repository.Which of the following is the BEST way to retrieve the latest changes to the administrator's local working copy?

A. git fetch 
B. git merge 
C. git commit 
D. git pull 

Answer: D

Question 5

A junior systems administrator is scanning archive.tar files with an antivirus scanner. The administrator is given the following tasks: List all files that are in the archive.tar files.Extract all files from the archive.tar files.Which of the following actions should be performed to meet these requirements? (Choose two.)

A. tar -tvf archive.tar 
B. tar -xf archive.tar 
C. tar -A archive.tar 
D. tar -av archive.tar 
E. tar -r archive.tar 
F. tar -uvz archive.tar 

Answer: A,B

Question 6

A Linux administrator needs to disable the Sendmail service on a Linux server and prevent it from being started manually and during boot.Which of the following is the BEST command to do this?

A. systemctl reset-failed sendmail 
B. systemctl mask sendmail 
C. systemctl stop sendmail 
D. systemctl disable sendmail 

Answer: C

Question 7

A new IO card has been added to the security server to log the opening and closing of the main entrance. A switch is attached, so the interface card returns a 1 when the door is opened and a 0 when the door is closed.Which of the following describes the Linux device to which this switch is attached?

A. /dev/tty0 
B. /dev/port 
C. /dev/gpio 
D. /dev/sg0 

Answer: B

Question 8

A user wants to use terminal services from a Windows workstation to manage a Linux server. Which of the following should be installed on the Linux server to enable this functionality?

B. rdesktop 

Answer: B

Question 9

A Linux administrator wants to configure log messages of critical or higher severity levels from the cron utility to be logged to the console. Which of the following will accomplish thisobjective?

A. Edit the /etc/logrotate.d/cron file to include the line cron.emerg.* /dev/console 
B. Edit the /etc/rsyslog.conf file to include the line cron.emerg.* /dev/console 
C. Edit the /etc/logrotate.conf file to include the line cron.emerg.* /dev/console 
D. Edit the /etc/rsyslog.d/conf file to include the line cron.emerg.* /dev/console 

Answer: B

Question 10

A Linux administrator is restoring the SELinux contexts on an entire system. Which of the following commands is the BEST option to complete this task?

A. setenforce 0 && reboot 
B. setfacl –bR / && reboot 
C. touch /.autorelabel && reboot 
D. restorecon / && reboot 

Answer: D