C_ARSUM_19Q4 Dumps

SAP C_ARSUM_19Q4 Exam Dumps PDF

SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP Ariba Supplier Management

Total Questions: 79
Update Date: October 01, 2024

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Question 1

Which group assignment is required for mass supplier upload when you use the SM Administration area?

A. Site Manager
B. SM OpsAdmin
C. SM ERP Admin
D. Supplier Registration Manager

Answer: B

Question 2

SAP Ariba uses expanded forms for province names andlanguages, whereas SAP ERP uses custom codes. You need to maintain a mapping between the names in SAP Ariba  solutions and the corresponding values in SAP ERP. A typical entry in /ARBA/VALUE_MAP contains the following values:

A. Integration Field
B. Internal Value (SAP)
C. External Value (Ariba)
D. Country
E. All of above

Answer: E

Question 3

Create a new Client Identity in the Trust Manager.  Go to Environment > SSL Client Identities.

A. Enter ARIBA as the identity name and Ariba Network Client as the description.
B. Save the entries.
C. Point one and two
D. None of above

Answer: C

Question 4

Import the root certificate into the SAP Business Site system by using Trust Manager asfollows:

A. Double-click the SSL Client Identity ARIBA that you have created.
B. Navigate to the Certificate group box and choose Import certificate. Click Add to Certificate List to add the imported certificate to the certificate list
C. Point one and two
D. None of above

Answer: C

Question 5

What SAP Ariba team is responsible for providing the preferred Ariba Network ID (ANID. to a supplier that is matched with an account managed segmentation?

A. Supplier Program Coordinator (SPC.
B. Strategic Supplier Account Manager (SSAM)
C. Network Deployment Lead (NDL)
D. Supplier Onboarding Agent (SOA.

Answer: B

Question 6

Which of the following are subconditions?

A. Any Are True
B. Is Not Equal To
C. All Are True
D. Is Equal To

Answer: A,C

Question 7

A supplier can fulfill all line items and quantities on PO5432, but only half will be available to deliver by the need-by date, creating a backorder.

A. Confirm entire order, create a partial invoice
B. Update line items, create a partial invoice
C. Update line items, wait for a change PO from the customer
D. Accept line items, wait for a change PO from the customer

Answer: C

Question 8

Your customer needs to evaluate supplier performance. Which items are required to collect thesupplier's performance data?  Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

A. The prepackaged supplier details report
B. Some scorecards
C. At least one KPI
D. A full sourcing project

Answer: B,C

Question 9

Set up one of the following connectivity models between SAP ERP and SAP AribaSupplier Information and Performance Management (classic architecture).:

A. Direct Connectivity. To set up direct connectivity, use the SOAMANAGER transaction. For more information see the Configuring direct connectivity section.
B. Mediated Connectivity. For more information, see Configuring mediated connectivity
C. Point one and two
D. None of above

Answer: C

Question 10

The following structures have been modified to include the Generic Custom Field element and the generic Custom Field List CompleteTransmission Indicator attribute:

A. BPSUITERplctReqSuplr for supplier information.
B. BPSUITERplctReqBkDets for bank details.
C. BPSUITERplctReqAcctgInfo for accounting information.
D. BPSUITERplctReqBP for business partner information.
E. All of above

Answer: E